RTF III: Individualized Cellular Models and Epigenetic Signatures of Inflammation

Coordinators: C. Klein (UzL), F.-J. Müller (CAU), P. Rosenstiel (CAU)

RTF III develops individualized disease models in cell cultures to reproduce disease processes in the laboratory. Members are working on this with what are known as human organoids. These are cell structures that emulate organs like the intestine on an individualized basis in the petri dish. They are obtained from pluripotent stem cells or directly from the patients through biopsies. With the aid of organoids, members analyze the individual disease process and test new treatment approaches in the individualized cell culture (trial-in-a-dish). The project uses state-of-the-art functional and epigenomic analysis to characterize impaired signaling pathways and differentiation patterns in people with chronic inflammatory diseases.