Cluster of Excellence Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation (PMI)

About the Cluster

More and more people in industrial nations are suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, diabetes and rheumatism. In the Cluster of Excellence “Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation” (PMI), scientists from various medical disciplines and fundamental research are working together on an interdisciplinary basis to significantly improve the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of these diseases. Their vision is to achieve complete control over the diseases – at every stage and as early as possible.

More about the Cluster of Excellence Precision Medicine in Chromic Inflammation (PMI)

Why precision medicine?


Cluster news

Logo miGut-Health

miGut-Health Project Begins Third Year: Reflecting on Progress and Setting Plans for 2025

So far, the miGut-Health project involving PMI members has made significant progress in researching gut health and inflammatory bowel disease.

Belly of a pregnant woman during ultrasound

Genetic risk factor for Crohn's disease influences natural microbiome changes during pregnancy

Studies by the Cluster of Excellence PMI and the DFG Research Unit “miTarget” are investigating the function of the intestinal microbiome during pregnancy and breastfeeding and its potential significance for patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease.


11 million euros for EU research project on inflammatory diseases: Kiel researchers coordinate international cooperation

New project ‘PerPrev-CID’ investigates innovative approaches for the early diagnosis and personalised prevention of rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel diseases


COVIDOM+: Millions in funding for molecular research into the long-term consequences of COVID-19 disease

Nationwide research network led by Kiel University Medicine: 4.9 million euros in funding to clarify post-COVID syndrome in comparison to other infectious respiratory diseases