TI-4: Functional (Auto)antibodies
Coordinators: R. Ludwig (UzL), M. Peipp (CAU), G. Riemekasten (UzL)
TI-4 examines the mechanisms of disease-causing autoantibodies in order to identify new and individual therapeutic targets. Autoantibodies can cause local damage through the formation of immune complexes and the activation of the innate immune system. However, they can also occupy so-called G-protein-coupled receptors and influence their mode of operation.
What does this research area’s work build on?
In order to selectively switch off disease-causing autoantibodies, you can selectively remove them, influence their effect - particularly in the case of receptor-activating antibodies - or intervene in their formation. Bispecific monoclonal antibodies and genetically modified T-cells could represent a way to prevent specific B-cells and thus also the formation of autoantibodies. The members of TI-4 have already done some preparatory work on these possibilities and developed new disease models.
What are the main research objectives?
Within three years, the members want the development to have sufficiently progressed to such an extent that they can introduce new treatments in the hospital, and advance to "Clinical Demonstrator". Everyone in the team has several innovative approaches which partially complement each other and which are also at different stages. Using innovative approaches, the researching clinicians want to improve the situation of their patients with rare diseases that have previously not been adequately treatable.
What makes this research area special?
The interdisciplinary networking, the coming together of rare expertise, the new and innovative approaches to research, the existence of new animal models - and even new disease models - developed by the members, not only as a result of assistance from the cluster structures, allows the translation of approaches into practice to take place in a very goal-oriented manner, and thus new pathways can be pursued. The research results can be harnessed directly by companies and help to ensure that we understand diseases better.
What does the research area contribute to precision medicine in chronic inflammation?
According to the members, certain autoantibodies or autoantibody signatures shape the individual clinical progression of a wide range of diseases, and not just those which are designated as autoimmune diseases. Recently, the researchers were able to identify a physiological network of autoantibodies, modified by age, gender and disease, and possibly also by environmental factors. Accordingly, autoantibodies are key to precision medicine and the objectives of the cluster.
Cooperation with other research areas in the cluster
The influence on the autoantibodies investigated by TI-4 through the microbiome and nutrition (in cooperation with RTF II and RTF IV), the effect of the autoantibodies on cellular signatures and on the initiation of inflammation (in cooperation with RTF III), as well as on the generation of numerous chemical messengers (RTF VI, proteome), and the visualization of the antibody effects (RTF VII) requires broad cooperation between cluster members. The complexity of the data requires good bioinformatics (RTF VIII), the optimal translation into daily practice requires the inclusion of RTF IX (ethics and economics) and access to the right group of patients (RTF X), for which the cluster provides optimum conditions through the creation of appropriate structures. New developments by other TIs and CDs will be adopted and adapted wherever possible, so that further synergies can arise.
Dr. Zouhair Aherrahrou
Associated member
University of Lübeck
Institute for Cardiogenetics
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Petra Bacher
Full member
UKSH Campus Kiel
Department of Immunology
PD Dr. med. Nina van Beek
Associated member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Department of Dermatology, Allergology and Venerology
PD Dr. Katja Bieber
Associated member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Lübeck Institute for Experimental Dermatology
Prof. Dr. Hauke Busch
Full member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Lübeck Institute for Experimental Dermatology
System Biology of Inflammatory Diseases
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Derer-Petersen
Full member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Institute of Medical Nutrition Science
RG Molecular Gastroenterology
Dr. Sören Dräger
Associated member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Department of Dermatology, Allergology and Venerology
AG Prof. Ludwig
Prof. Dr. Marc Ehlers
Full member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Institute of Medical Nutrition Science
Immunology and Glycoanalytics
Prof. Dr. Timo Gemoll
Associated member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Department of General Surgery
PD Dr. rer. nat. Stephanie Goletz
Associated member
University of Lübeck
Lübeck Institute for Experimental Dermatology
AG Prof. Schmidt
Dr. Hanna Graßhoff
Associated member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology
AG Prof. Riemekasten
Dr. rer. hum. biol. Yask Gupta
Associated member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Institute for Inflammation Medicine
AG Prof. Thaçi
PD Dr. med. Jens Humrich
Full member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology
Prof. Dr. Jennifer Hundt
Full member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Lübeck Institute for Experimental Dermatology
Prof. Dr. rer. biol. hum. Ottmar Janssen
Full member
UKSH Campus Kiel
Department of Immunology
Prof. Dr. Uta Jappe
Full member
Research Center Borstel - Leibniz Lung Center
Clinical and Molecular Allergology
Priority Research Area Asthma and Allergy
PD Dr. Kathrin Kalies
Full member
University of Lübeck
Institute for Anatomy
Prof. Dr. Christian Karsten
Full member
University of Lübeck
Institute for Systemic Inflammation Research
Dr. rer. nat. Anika Kasprick
Associated member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Lübeck Institute for Experimental Dermatology
AG Prof. Ludwig
Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemper
Full member
University of Lübeck
Institute for Systemic Inflammation Research
Dr. Anja Kerstein-Stähle
Associated member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Department of Dermatology, Allergology and Venerology
Prof. Dr. Christine Klein
Full member
University of Lübeck
Institute of Neurogenetics
Prof. Dr. Jörg Köhl
Full member
University of Lübeck
Institute for Systemic Inflammation Research
Prof. Dr. Inke König
Full member
University of Lübeck
Institute for Medical Biometrics and Statistics
Prof. Dr. Peter Lamprecht
Full member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology
Prof. Dr. Tanja Lange
Full member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology
Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig
Full member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Lübeck Institute for Experimental Dermatology
Model Systems of Inflammatory Skin Diseases
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Manz
Full member
University of Lübeck
Institute for Systemic Inflammation Research
Prof. Dr. med. Oliver Müller
Full member
UKSH Campus Kiel
Department of Internal Medicine III
Translational Cardiology
Prof. Dr. Matthias Peipp
Full member
UKSH Campus Kiel
Department of Internal Medicine I
Stem Cells and Immunotherapy
Prof. Dr. Frank Petersen
Full member
Research Center Borstel - Leibniz Lung Center
Pulmonary Immune Diseases
Priority Research Area Asthma and Allergy
PD Dr. Andreas Recke
Full member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Department of Dermatology, Allergology and Venerology
Prof. Dr. Gabriela Riemekasten
Full member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology
Prof. Dr. Christian Sadik
Full member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Department of Dermatology, Allergology and Venerology
Innate immunity
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Scheffold
Full member
UKSH Campus Kiel
Department of Immunology
Prof. Dr. Dr. Enno Schmidt
Full member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Lübeck Institute for Experimental Dermatology
Translational Research
Dr. Artem Vorobyev
Associated member
UKSH Campus Lübeck
Department of Dermatology, Allergology and Venerology
Prof. Dr. Daniela Wesch
Full member
UKSH Campus Kiel
Department of Immunology
Prof. Dr. Xinhua Yu
Full member
Research Center Borstel - Leibniz Lung Center
Pulmonary Immune Diseases
Priority Research Area Asthma and Allergy