About the Cluster of Excellence PMI

More and more people in industrial nations are suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, diabetes and rheumatism. In the Cluster of Excellence “Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation” (PMI), scientists from various medical disciplines and fundamental research are working together on an interdisciplinary basis to significantly improve the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of these diseases.

Their vision is to achieve complete control over the diseases – at every stage and as early as possible.

More about the Cluster of Excellence PMI


The members of the PMI  want to establish precision medicine in chronic inflammation, which takes the individuality of a person and their environment into account. Clinical studies and translation are at the core of this work - fundamental research results should be transferred as quickly as possible from bench to bedside.



Around 400 researching clinicians and scientists from various departments, from fundamental research and the hospital are members of the Cluster of Excellence PMI. They elect the Steering Committee, the cluster's decision-making body. This committee is supported and advised by the Scientific Advisory Board. The Steering Committee also elects the Executive Group.

More about the organization of the Cluster of Excellence PMI

Group foto of cluster members.
© Kloodt, PMI


The German Research Foundation (DFG) Cluster of Excellence "Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation" (PMI) is being funded with a total of €52.5 million from 2019 to 2025 through the German Excellence Strategy as one of 57 collaborative research networks.

The Excellence Strategy is a federal and regional funding program to strengthen cutting-edge research and the international competitiveness of German universities for the long term. PMI is one of the largest clusters of excellence with a medical focus.

Predecessor Cluster

The work of PMI builds upon the findings and structures established by its predecessor cluster “Inflammation at Interfaces”, which has conducted more than ten years of successful research on inflammation in Schleswig-Holstein.

More about the Cluster of Excellence "INflammation at interfaces"