Press releases and news of the Cluster of Excellence

Logo miGut-Health

So far, the miGut-Health project involving PMI members has made significant progress in researching gut health and inflammatory bowel disease.

Belly of a pregnant woman during ultrasound

Studies by the Cluster of Excellence PMI and the DFG Research Unit “miTarget” are investigating the function of the intestinal microbiome during…


New project ‘PerPrev-CID’ investigates innovative approaches for the early diagnosis and personalised prevention of rheumatoid arthritis and…


Nationwide research network led by Kiel University Medicine: 4.9 million euros in funding to clarify post-COVID syndrome in comparison to other…

Grafische Darstellung eines Bakteriums, daneben ein Krankenbett mit einer Person, die daneben steht

New experimental studies by numerous research groups with cluster involvement suggest that evolutionary medicine could shape the future of…


German Research Foundation funds doctoral program at the CAU that links basic biochemical research with processes of disease development.


Six members of the Cluster of Excellence “Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation” are among the most frequently cited researchers worldwide in…

Plate with chips, white bread and burger buns

Genetic defects in the breakdown of carbohydrates influence the extent to which people with IBS benefit from a change in diet, study shows.


Schleswig-Holstein delegation trip to Japan intensifies the existing cooperation between Kiel University and the Institute of Science Tokyo.


People in front of building

Researchers from several countries discussed how metabolic processes influence the immune system and thus inflammation at the symposium of the TRY-IBD…

Press office

Frederike Buhse
Public Relations, Excellence Cluster PMI +49 (0)431/880 4682