Dermatopia - skin expedition
Exploring skin and its diseases through play
A course consisting of six play stations is designed to provide primary school children (recommended age: 8-12 years) with fun and knowledge at the same time, for example “tweak ticks”, “find nasties” or “scratch & apply cream”. They are designed to be fun and at the same time impart knowledge, for example about how to remove ticks or where which parasites can infest skin and hair. Each station is explained to the children with the help of an audio pen and an introductory story prepares them for the skin expedition.
Prof. Regina Fölster-Holst, who treated children with skin diseases at the UKSH for decades, had the idea of teaching children about skin diseases and allergies in a playful way. The project was implemented by students at the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design.
The game is presented at public events such as the Kiel Week or the Science Day of the PMI Cluster of Excellence. It can also be borrowed by schools for use in lessons. If you are interested, please contact the Cluster's press and public relations officer Frederike Buhse.
A cooperation project of the Cluster of Excellence “Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation” (PMI) with the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) and the Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design Kiel.