Career support in the cluster

PMI Academy

The Cluster of Excellence PMI offers young researchers before and after completing their doctoral degrees excellent starting conditions for an academic career with its exceptionally well-equipped laboratories and inspiring environment.The PMI Academy bundles all measures targeted at young scientists at various stages of their careers, for example, Master’s students, doctoral researchers and postdocs. 

More about the PMI Academy


The cluster focuses, in particular, on training and supporting clinicians that are also doing scientific research. Within the structured Clinician-Scientist-Program PMI, the specialist medical training is closely interlinked with scientific research.  

More about the clinician-Scientist-Program

Equal opportunities

The Cluster of Excellence PMI has created a number of structural measures to create equal opportunities at all levels. These include the highly endowed Dorothea Erxleben Research Awards, which promote excellent research by female scientists in the Cluster.

promoting equal opportunities

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