Precision Health in Schleswig-Holstein (PHSH)
The universities in Kiel and Lübeck, together with the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH), founded the governance structure Precision Health in Schleswig-Holstein (PHSH). PHSH provides the organizational framework to professionalize and accelerate patient-centered research in precision medicine. The basis for PHSH is the long-standing cooperation between the universities in Kiel and Lübeck and the UKSH, through the Cluster of Excellence „Inflammation at Interfaces“.
The PHSH model is currently unique in Germany. In this structure, outstanding scientists who have been selected by external evaluation within the „Schleswig-Holstein Excellence Chair"-program, directly control the clinical research opportunities at the UKSH. They ,for example, have an influence on the decisions which structures are required for science-driven clinical studies, and which infrastructures must be expanded.
The mission of PHSH is to research, develop and apply individually-customized, molecular-oriented precision medicine. There are three major work areas:
- education and training of clinician scientists, support for senior "Clinician Scientists“ as well as selection of the SH-Chairs
- establishment, expansion and management of the relevant translatory infrastructure at the UKSH, such as molecular platforms, imaging methods, patient cohorts and medical IT infrastructure
- clinical studies and projects in precision medicine, initially with a focus on inflammation, but open to all areas of medicine
The host institutions of the PHSH are Kiel University, the University of Lübeck and the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH). Associated partners are the Research Center Borstel - Leibniz Lung Center, the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plön and the Muthesius University in Kiel.
Video: PHSH Founding
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