Recent news from the Cluster of Excellence PMI

Press releases and news

KMC: New Center for Microbiome Research in Kiel

The Kiel Microbiome Center aims to catalyse microbiome research at Kiel University and launched this week with a series of scientific events.

blood sample in the lab

Autoimmunity: immune cells escape therapy due to "exhausted" state

Researchers with the participation of the PMI Cluster of Excellence have succeeded in isolating and analyzing disease-causing T cells from the blood…


Reckoned without one's host: Transmission of tuberculosis does not only depend on the pathogen

Geographical overlap between pathogen and host has a measurable influence on the transmissibility of the tuberculosis pathogen.


Press office:

Frederike Buhse
Public Relations, Excellence Cluster PMI


“Parenthood and science – motherhood penalty, fatherhood bonus, and other obstacles to compatibility”

Top class scientists from all over the world visit the cluster of excellence PMI Lecturer: Prof. Johann E. Gudjonsson, Arthur C. Curtis Professor…

Media library

In the media library you will find videos from the cluster, as well as the print magazine "PMI Impulse" as downloads.

media library