Archive: Events

"The Intestinal Microenvironment in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Translational studies in IBD"

"Cancer Predisposition – from bedside to fishtank and back"

Leif Erik Sander - Charité Berlin

"Monitoring Immune mediated Kidney Damage - from Biomarkers to Pathophysiology"

"LDL receptor-related proteins in the regulation of cellular immunity"

Annual internal meeting of the PMI cluster members.

"Spatial interaction between gut microbiota and proteomics in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease"

"T cell subsets and their signature cytokines in autoimmune kidney diseases"

Science Talks and Pubquiz in a local brewery and movie theater.

The awards of the Cluster of Excellence PMI are presented by the presidents of the Universities of Kiel and Lübeck.