Award ceremony Dorothea Erxleben Award for Female Investigators

The Dorothea Erxleben Female Investigator Awards of the Cluster of Excellence "Precision Medicine in Chronic Inflammation" serve to promote female cluster scientists and are endowed with 1x 100.000€ and 2x 50.000€.

The award ceremony will be livestreamed online. Registration here.

The Dorothea Erxleben Awards are part of the Cluster's Dorothea Erxleben Gender Equality Program, the funding program for more equal opportunities for women and men in clinical and research settings. The Dorothea Erxleben Awards for Female Investigators are given exclusively to female scientists from the Cluster with the aim of supporting their excellent research activities in the field of inflammation research and thus also increasing their competitiveness in the competition for funding. The funding awards are now being presented for the second time; they were first offered in 2017 by the predecessor cluster "Inflammation at Interfaces". The award is named after Dorothea Christiane Erxleben, who in the mid-18th century was the first female physician in Germany to earn a doctorate and practice medicine.