Recent news form the Cluster of Excellence PMI

Press releases and news


Mathieu Groussin receives ERC grant for innovative gut microbiome research

European Research Council funds research project at Kiel University to investigate the role of bacterial extracellular vesicles in gut ecology and…

group photo

DFG Research Unit "miTarget" at Kiel University enters second funding phase

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding the Research Unit 5042 "miTarget: The microbiome as a therapeutic target in chronic inflammatory bowel…

Röhrchen mit Blut in einem Metallständer

Possible new biomarker for better detection of numerous inflammatory diseases

Increased consumption of tryptophan can indicate minimal residual inflammation in a variety of chronic inflammatory diseases.


Press office:

Frederike Buhse
Public Relations, Excellence Cluster PMI


19th European Meeting on Complement in Human Diseases (EMCHD2024) in the beautiful Hanseatic city of Lübeck from September 2nd - 6th 2024


International Symposium of the BMBF Junior Research Group TryIBD in Kiel.

A unique series of events on the microbiome in Kiel.

Media library

In the media library you will find videos from the cluster, as well as the print magazine "PMI Impulse" as downloads.

media library