The Cluster PMI cordially invites you to the Symposium„Sex and Gender Aspects in Precision Medicine“-November 09th, 2023, Atlantic Hotel Kiel
Every cell has a sex and every person is gendered! This becomes obvious when searching literature. A patient's sex and gender are often neglected factors in healthcare. Many diseases differ in terms of incidence, reported symptoms, diagnostic process, disease progression and response to therapy. Considering sex and gender aspects adds a valuable dimension to research and healthcare. What is the current status of sex-sensitive medicine, especially with regard to chronic inflammation? Why are we still facing an underrepresentation of women in science? Together with top-class experts we want to delve deeper into these questions and explore the potential that sex and gender aspects offer for biomedical research.
The symposium is open to PMI members and other interested parties. Participation is free of charge. We kindly ask you for registration until November 5th, 2023 via the following link: Due to limited capacity, we kindly ask for your understanding if we may put you on a waiting list if necessary.
You are warmly invited to present your own research with a poster in the context mentioned above. Please indicate in your registration, if you would like to present a poster and send a short abstract to until November 5th, 2023.
Program of the Symposium "Sex and gender Aspects in Precision Medicine"