PMI Mentoring Programm

Das PMI Mentoring Programm 2024 startet am 11. Januar 2024 mit einem Info-Event online. Die Einladung dazu erfolgte per E-Mail an alle PMI Young Scientists.

Das Anmeldeformular für das Mentoring Programm gibt es hier: Anmeldeformular PMI Mentoring (pdf)



EventDescriptionFormat / duration
January 11, 2024 Thursday,
11 am – 12 noon
Information event (prior to application phase):
Content: Pre-event counselling and support in concept development, at event-introduction to the main processes in mentoring, support for coordinator
This event introduces interested applicants to the mentoring service and specific details about the participation in the program in 2024. The goal of this event is to address as many potential applicants as possible and help them navigate through the application phase.Online / 1 h
February 19, 2024
9 am – 2 pm
Kick-off-workshop: Concept development, facilitation of the workshop, documentationThis workshop introduces participants to the content and processes of the mentoring program, and walks them through the main steps during the mentoring year. Possible topics include (1) getting to know each other, (2) program contents, (3) determining the current situation, (4) defining goals, (5) matching, communication in mentoring tandems and (6) peer groups. Specific details will be chosen upon agreement with the coordinator.5 hours / in person
March 25, 2024
5 pm – 7 pm
Mentor workshop: Concept development and facilitation, documentationThis workshop for mentors introduces the concept of mentoring in academia, and supports the target group in further developing as well as deepening their (mindful) mentoring skills. Depending on the needs of mentors, peer counseling can be part of this workshop.Online / 2 h
May 27, 2024
2 pm – 4 pm
Peer counseling: Concept
development and facilitation,
Unlike one-to-one tandems, the exchange among peers activates and expands not only the social, but also the professional/individual resources of the mentees. These resources play an important role in their career planning and personal development. In this workshop, which will be offered twice during the mentoring year, the concept of 'peer counseling' will be introduced, methods are presented and counseling cases are practiced in groups based on individual questions and concerns of the mentees.Online / 2 h
July 11, 2024
2 pm – 4 pm
Mid-term exchange: Concept
development and facilitation,
The aim is to initiate an exchange with and among the mentees in order to elicit their (verbal and/or written) feedback as well as their suggestions. The review of the first part and the look ahead to the second part of the program reinforce both the mentees and the program coordinator in their own positioning of what has been successful and which areas need further development or improvement.2h / in person
or online
October 17, 2024
2 pm – 4 pm
Peer counseling: Concept
development and facilitation,
 Online / 2 h
December 12, 2024
2 pm-4 pm
Closing EventThe closing event provides space for reflection and feedback (possibly also from mentors) on the entire program. Goals before/at the beginning of the program, goals achieved, wishes and recommendations are possible topics that can be covered at this meeting. It is possible to elicit written evaluation from mentees for the quality management of the coordinator.Online / 2 h